Digital Media & 十大最大的网络彩票平台
Get ready to embark on a future-focused career while gaining a broad background in media theory and history. You’ll learn to research, write, analyze, and present content through a range of media platforms. We offer classes in video production, 摄影, graphic design, 网页设计, 十大最大的网络彩票平台, public relations, public speaking, and radio broadcasting—and you’ll gain practical experience in these areas through a variety of on-campus opportunities. You’ll also gain work experience through a required internship at a company or organization in the U.S. 还是在国外.
Study-Abroad Programs
Principia study-abroad programs are open to all students, and you’re encouraged to apply to any abroad program that interests you—even if the abroad isn’t your primary area of study. Your passport to international learning starts here—Principia College Study Abroad.
Course Catalog
Find complete course listings and program requirements in our Course Catalog.